Why your accountancy firm needs its own client enewsletter

Why your accountancy firm needs to send out enewsletters

Most of us have signed up to receive email newsletters – the good, the bad and the ugly. We look forward to receiving the ones we like and value, but soon unsubscribe from those crammed with irrelevant content or a blatant barrage of sales messages.

Just when they looked to be all but dying out, about three years ago enewsletters underwent a renaissance. Everyone was doing them again; some were superb and they helped brands to build better customer relationships. Enewsletters can be a particularly effective marketing tool for accountants and other service-based businesses.

Enewsletters can be a particularly effective marketing tool for accountants and other service-based businesses

Why are email newsletters popular?

Email marketing is where you send out pure sales-related content, for example, information about your latest offers. But enewsletters contain news, features and other content designed to inform recipients – to increase their knowledge.

The key reason why people sign up to enewsletters is they want to learn more about things they’re interested in. Many of us love enewsletters and those that national newspapers send out every day are now among the most popular. Your average enewsletter design is now far better and enewsletters are much easier to read on smartphone, which has also helped to boost their popularity, because you can read them wherever you are (almost).

If someone has signed up to receive your enewsletter, it’s less likely to be spam-filtered. And research suggests that the average enewsletter open rate is high, providing you have a good subject line and the recipient recognises the sender. Pick a good mix of high-quality, relevant, timely content and your click-through rates can also be high.

If you provide valuable information that benefits subscribers, they’re more likely to know, like and trust you – and buy what you’re selling

Highly effective

When well written, produced and distributed, email newsletters are a highly effective way to reach prospects and existing customers, ensuring that you remain in their thoughts (or occasionally pop into their heads, at least).

If you provide valuable information that benefits subscribers, they’re more likely to know, like and trust you – and buy what you’re selling – the ultimate aim, of course. In a business context, your enewsletter information should enable recipients to increase their knowledge, solve their problems, save time, money or otherwise become more profitable and successful.

Having your own enewsletter can make your small accountancy firm appear bigger and more professional – and more interested in its clients – which can really set you apart from your competitors. Adding value to your customer relationships in this way can ensure that your customers remain loyal.

Latest news, tips, updates and key-date reminders are all common enewsletter content, but longer-from content can also prove popular

Question of balance

Latest news, tips, updates and key-date reminders are all common enewsletter ingredients, but longer-from content can also prove popular. You can tell recipients about latest developments, whether in their sector, the small-business world or at your business (don’t overdo this). Sharing your insight via enewsletter is a good way to underline your credibility as an expert, while competitions and giveaways are also popular. Research suggests that subscribers are happy to hear about new offers or latest deals via enewsletters (but limit this also). Think “tell, tell”, rather than “sell, sell”.

Some businesses send out weekly enewsletters, while others send them out every two weeks, each month or quarter. Many accountants send out Budget specials, of course, while many have sent out special enewsletter to explain the latest Covid-19-related changes. Frequency is key, because you mustn’t bombard recipients, you simply want to keep them connected, engaged and informed.

Part of email marketing’s attraction is it offers a great return on investment – some believe a £42 ROI for every £1 you spend

Return on investment

Enewsletters can be created for very little cost, even if you buy content. Part of email marketing’s attraction is it offers a great return on investment (ROI) – some believe a £42 ROI for every £1 you spend (source: Direct Marketing Association). That’s a pretty compelling claim.

Testing and analytics enable you to quickly find out what works best, whether that’s your subject lines, content type or when to send your enewsletter. Setting up and managing a customer enewsletter is relatively straightforward, but if you just don’t have the time, knowledge or inclination, paying someone else to do it for you could prove a wise investment.

In my next post, I’ll provide a step-by-step guide to setting up an enewsletter for your accountancy firm, together with some important legal considerations.

• With 15 years’ experience as a leading writer of small-business content, Mark Williams is the founder of Dead Good Content, which specialises in writing readymade and bespoke content for accountancy firms and others that want to market their services to small businesses.

How to create a new marketing plan for your accountancy firm


The lockdown may have smashed a gaping hole right through your marketing plan for 2020. You may serve sectors that have been particularly hard hit. Some of your prospects or existing clients may have already gone to the wall.

Many of the assumptions, aims and actions set out in your previous marketing plan may no longer hold water. Your marketing plan may not have been working anyway. And, whether through lack of time or knowledge, some smaller accountants don’t have a marketing plan, which may be limiting their growth.

Although many are understandably feeling slightly dazed and confused at the moment, doing nothing isn’t an option. All businesses must act if they are to get back on track, and creating a new marketing plan could really help your recovery.

Planning is bringing the future into the present, so we can do something about it now

Why create a marketing plan?

As once explained by celebrated American time-management author, Alan Lakein: “Planning is bringing the future into the present, so we can do something about it now”. Lakein is also credited with the often-quoted adage:  “Failing to plan is planning to fail”.

This is a slight over-simplification, because businesses without marketing plans aren’t necessarily doomed to failure. Moreover, marketing plans don’t guarantee success, because things don’t always pan out as expected. But planning can increase your chances of success, while enabling you to make the most out of available opportunities.

You can develop a marketing plan for your entire business or just a specific product, service, market or customer type. Your marketing plan need not be long or intricate, in fact, the shorter and simpler the better (the KISS principle certainly applies). Most marketing plans are for periods of one to three years.

Marketing plan basics

In essence, marketing is how you get prospects and customers interested in buying your products or services (after that, you’re into selling). The marketing process involves research, creating a service or product (sometimes), promoting, selling and distributing your wares.

According to Susan Ward: “When you’re putting together a marketing plan, concentrate on four key components – products/services, promotion, distribution and pricing.” Success rests on offering the right things for the right price in the right way, while ensuring that enough people know who you are and what you sell. Ward says creating and implementing a marketing plan can help you to keep your marketing efforts better focused, so that you ultimately make more sales.

If your market knowledge is out of date or lacking, your marketing plan will be flawed. If necessary, undertake up-to-date market research. Your plan must also summarise your offer (including your USP) and your market (ie its size, value, trends, etc), your target customers, your competitors and your market position. All of the above should also be up to date.

The most crucial marketing plan aims are linked to sales, expressed in numbers or percentages, linked to those detailed in your business plan

Setting marketing plan aims

Take enough time to consider your marketing plan aims, which should be SMART (ie specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound). If they’re specific, you know exactly what you’re trying to achieve. If they’re measurable, you can assess your performance.

Ambition is a great thing, but there’s no point in setting unrealistic marketing plan aims, because you’ll only fail. You should set milestones and a deadline for your marketing plan, because then you’ll be able to assess your progress.  

Your marketing plan goals could include increasing awareness of your brand, launching new services and targeting new customers and entering new markets. However, the most crucial marketing plan aims are linked to sales, expressed in numbers or percentages, linked to those detailed in your business plan.

If you spend time creating a sound marketing plan, it could make a big difference to your ability to survive and thrive in these challenging times

Marketing plan strategy

Now you must decide your marketing tactics or marketing strategy, in other words – how you’ll achieve your marketing plan goals. Key options include search engine, email and content marketing, PR, social media and advertising, while word-of-mouth recommendations remain important to many small accountancy firms. Most businesses use a mix of tactics, and if don’t know which ones work best – test, measure and learn.

Once you’ve decided your marketing tactics, calculating their cost allows you to set and allocate your marketing budget. Closely monitoring which marketing tactics are delivering the required results will enable you to assess your return on investment. Over time, you’ll be able to allocate your marketing spend where it’s most likely to deliver your marketing and business plan objectives.

Finally, creating a marketing plan that you never use is pointless. If you spend time creating a sound marketing plan, it could make a big difference to your ability to survive and thrive in these challenging times. To quote another popular business adage, action without planning can prove fatal, but planning without action is futile.

• With 15 years’ experience as a leading writer of small-business content, Mark Williams is the founder of Dead Good Content, which specialises in writing bespoke and ready made SME blog and news content for accountancy firms and others that want to market their services to small businesses.

Six things every accountancy firm should know about content marketing

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Content marketing is far from new, of course. As long ago as 2008, revered American author and digital marketing expert, Seth Godin, made his much-quoted declaration that: “Content marketing is all the marketing that’s left.”

But content marketing has really risen to prominence in more recent years, with much traditional marketing simply not worth the effort or investment.

What is content marketing?

The Content Marketing Institute (CMI) defines content marketing as a “strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.”

The key to success is to become a source of free, relevant, useful content that helps your prospects and customers to solve their problems. Take away their pain or help them to be more successful and they’re more likely to buy your products or services, because they know, like and trust your brand.

Content marketing has become a highly cost-effective way to attract and retain customers, with businesses of all sizes now using it to good effect, including many successful accountancy firms. If you’re still not entirely sold on content marketing, here are a few important things to consider…

1 Everyone’s doing it

Well – almost everyone. About 90% of B2B marketers use content marketing. About three-quarters of those who don’t use content marketing soon plan to. And CMI research suggests that almost two-thirds of users remain “very or extremely committed” to content marketing.

Key take-away >> If your accountancy firm doesn’t use content marketing – you risk losing customers to those that do.

Each year in the UK, some £5bn is spent on content marketing and research suggests that a quarter of organisations using content marketing found it to be extremely or very successful

2 Content marketing works

Businesses throughout the world use content marketing because it works. Each year in the UK, some £5bn is spent on content marketing and CMI research suggests that a quarter of UK organisations using content marketing found it to be extremely or very successful, while a further 42% found it successful.

Key take-away >> Content marketing can be a particularly effective way to reach small-business owners, who are notoriously difficult to reach.   

3 Content marketing is highly cost-effective

For a third of the cost, content marketing can generate more than three times as many leads as “outbound marketing” (ie advertising, promotions, PR, etc), while lead conversion rates are reported to be six times higher than other options. And up-front costs can be significantly lower, while providing much better long-term benefits than, paid search advertising, for example.

Key take-away >> Written content can be cheap to buy or produce and it can deliver a far better return on investment.

Since the Covid-19 lockdown, there’s been a surge in demand from UK SMEs for practical financial advice. If you don’t communicate regularly, your customers may feel unloved and soon go elsewhere

4 Content marketing can help you to attract and retain customers

It’s much cheaper to sell to existing customers. Content marketing enables you to communicate regularly with them and you can give them helpful information when they need it. Since the Covid-19 lockdown, there’s been a surge in demand from UK SMEs for practical financial advice. If you don’t communicate regularly, your customers may feel unloved and soon go elsewhere. You have been warned.

Key take-away >> Content marketing can enable you to build stronger, longer-lasting relationships with your customers.

5 Content marketing can boost your Google search rankings

Keyword choice and density is, erm, key, of course, but Google also favours website content that displays expertise, authority and trustworthiness. Getting backlinks from other websites makes a big difference, too. Content marketing can also raise your profile on social media, which can also increase your website visitors and ultimately boost your sales.

Key take-away >> If you want to boost your website visitors, content marketing can really help.

To safeguard your brand, extend your reach and ultimately sell more – never compromise on the quality of your content

6 Content quality is key

What impression you are left with when you read badly written or presented information? What if there are errors or the advice is poor? Would you share it via your social media channels? Would you buy from such a source? No? Me neither. If you want to succeed, be a source of high-quality content that provides unique value.

Key take-away: To safeguard your brand, extend your reach and ultimately sell more – never compromise on the quality of your content.

In conclusion

Seth Godin’s proclamation isn’t strictly true. Plenty of accountants get work from word-of-mouth recommendations and networking. Paid search and social can also generate leads. But content marketing should be central to how your accountancy firm markets its services, especially in our post-Covid19 world, where businesses are hungrier than ever for regular, reliable advice.

Many accountancy firms (particularly the larger ones) “get it” when it comes to content marketing and some do it very well. But other accountancy firms, usually small ones, don’t do it as well or don’t do it at all, often because they lack time, expertise or don’t believe in content marketing. Who knows how much opportunity they’re missing out on?

• With 15 years’ experience as a leading writer of small-business content, Mark Williams is the founder of Dead Good Content, which specialises in writing cost-effective bespoke and oven-ready content for accountancy firms and others that want to market their services to small businesses.